The Haus Masterclass Vault: Your Key to Elevate, Expand and Amplify Your Personal Brand in 2024


Master Your Personal Brand With Precision and Purpose

In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, standing out requires not just effort, but strategic insight and innovation.

The Haus Vault: Special Edition Release is your gateway to mastering these elements. It's more than a collection of masterclasses; it's a focused, purpose-driven journey towards brand distinction and success.

And now through November 30, 2023 save 40% off any masterclass with code THEVAULT23

Crafting Your Unique Brand Identity
Doesn't Have To Be Hard

In today's competitive market, establishing a unique brand identity is crucial. It's about clear, strategic thinking and creating a narrative that truly connects with your audience.

What if...

  • Your Brand Became the Go-To in Your Industry: Picture your business evolving into a recognized authority, where your insights and offerings set you apart as the top choice in your field.
  • PR and Media Worked in Your Favor: Envision mastering the art of public relations, turning every media opportunity into a spotlight that enhances your brand's visibility and credibility.
  • Diversifying Your Brand Brought New Opportunities: Imagine expanding your brand's reach, tapping into new markets and audiences, and watching as your business flourishes in fresh, exciting ways.
  • Your Client Experience Set New Standards: Visualize creating such an exceptional and personalized client journey that it not only delights but also turns your customers into passionate brand ambassadors.
  • Event Planning Elevated Your Brand's Presence: Think of designing and executing events that are not just gatherings but landmark occasions, leaving a lasting impact and elevating your brand's prestige.
  • You Tapped Into the Power of AI for Your Business: Imagine seamlessly integrating AI into your operations, creating content that captivates and engages your audience in new, innovative ways.

"Hannah isn't afraid to share her own systems and techniques."

Hannah is so open and welcoming. Her teaching style is wonderful because it’s so to-the-point while being understanding of everyone’s differences. She’s also quick to answer specific questions from audience members and not shy about sharing her own techniques. I really love how Hannah wasn’t afraid to show her systems and how she upkeeps white-glove service in her business!


Meet Your Host

Hannah Nieves

I get you because I am you. As a multi passionate founder I know what it takes to build brand authority, and create a diversified business model that helps create freedom [we have four of them].

After started HN Haus from burnout [and a decade in corporate] I know what it takes to build an elevated brand and service offering.

Fast forward to now, we've served hundreds of women at HN Haus and have cultivated a powerful community of multi passionate women.

Our clients have been able to:

- Leave corporate careers
- Scale their businesses to multiple 6 and 7 figures in revenue
- Build their dream homes and retire their spouses
- Land major media mentions and paid speaking opportunities
- Launch new business ventures while they grow their team
- Leverage and monetize their personal brand

The results speak for themselves and the one I'm most proud of?

The culture of this community. One that leans on connection, collaboration and supporting one another during the journey.

I can't wait to see you leverage these masterclasses to take your business to the next level!

Inside The Haus Vault: A Suite of Masterclasses

The Haus Vault is your resource for achieving brand excellence.
Each masterclass is a focused session, delivering practical, actionable insights.

And now through November 30, 2023 save 40% ALL masterclasses with code THEVAULT23

I loved the energy and the information was concise but it didn't feel rushed.



  1. Entrepreneurs seeking to elevate their brand's market presence.
  2. Business owners aiming for strategic growth and diversification.
  3. Visionaries looking to harness the power of AI in their operations.
  4. Professionals eager to create impactful, memorable client experiences.
  5. Leaders wanting to craft a compelling, authentic brand narrative.


Now through November 30, 2023 save 40% off any masterclass with code THEVAULT23.

Begin Your Personal Brand Transformation Now